4 Agreements That Will Transform Your Life

Ok.. So I recently read a book called “The 4 Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.  Although I wouldn’t say I completely agreed with everything written in the book, the 4 main points are extremely powerful and can literally transform the way we look at the world.  As a result you can achieve much greater peace and happiness by following these “4 Agreements”.
1.  Be Impeccable With Your Word
This book defines “impeccable” as being “without sin”.  It further goes on to explain that to “sin” is to “go against yourself.”  To be impeccable with your word means that you don’t say anything that “goes against yourself.”  Lying, complaining, criticizing, not following through with your promises… all of these things stop your progression and harm your life.

When “what you say” matches up directly with “what you do”, I believe you not only have character but also will have an inner peace that can come in no other way.  Make this agreement to “Be Impeccable With Your Word” and watch the magic that happens.

2.  Don’t Take Offense
Mr. Ruiz, also explains that each of us are living in our own realities, complete with the beliefs we have formed about people and the world around us in general. Most of those “realities” are really have nothing to do with truth.

When you take offense from something somebody says, you are in affect buying into there view of the world. You are saying… “Ok… Your view is the truth and because you said it.. I must believe it”. That’s not the case. Instead of taking offence, realize that everyone lives in there own little world and most of the time that world does not reflect the truth. Great tip!

3. Never Assume Anything
Us humans have a nasty habit of taking a little bit of information and forming conclusions that are usually completely out of sync with reality.

When we assume that we know what other people think or feel… we are setting ourselves up for heartache and disappointment. It is impossible to know exactly what goes on the minds of others. It’s important to remain humble and not jump to conclusions. False assumptions can make life miserable for no good reason at all.

4. Always Do Your Best

If you always to your best in everything you do, you will never have anything to feel bad about. After all, what more could you have done? Following this agreement will also bring peace that can not be found in any other way.

A peace that comes from knowing you have been doing what you were put here on this Earth to do. Your Best!

So many people these days fall short of their best, it’s no wonder we live in such a chaotic world.

Do your best and watch how fast you rise above the rest!


That’s it my friends. Hope you’ve enjoyed the lessons that I learned from this book and can apply them to your lives.

If you fall short one day… pick up with renewed commitment the next.

I know that these are 4 principles we can all live by with a little effort. If we do… peace, comfort and prosperity should follow.

Your Partner In Success,

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