4 Simple Ways To Increase Conversions

So I asked this question on Facebook the other day..

As you can see from the comments MOST of the questions revolve around converting leads into sales.

Yes.. there are some others (like how to stop hitting refresh on your email all day long)

… Sorry George.. no answer for that one.

But as to the lead conversion stuff.

Here are 5 things that can help increase your lead to sale ratios.

1)  Offer Bonuses

This is actually one that I’ve done a very poor job with.  (good thing you don’t have to be perfect to make money from home).

Nevertheless, you see LOTS of the big, uber successful marketers to it.

And.. it makes perfect sense..

When you’re trying to get someone to buy your products or services, one of the best ways to make your case is to give them as many reasons as possible as to why they might want to do business with you. 

The more the merrier.

Everyone is tuned into “WII FM”.. (what’s in it for me, right?)

So give them lots of reasons to join you.  Go above and beyond the product offer.

How far?

As far as you can.

Make it seem CRAZY for them to not take you up on your offer.

Pack in the value.

I remember Being at training in Vegas where I heard Jonathan Budd speak.

His bonuses and the calculated value where truly shocking, but at the end of the presentation floods of people jumped up, walked to the back and gave him money.

So give bonuses..

2)  Always remember that people do business with people they know, like and trust.

This will never change, even in internet marketing.

One of the things I’ve done in my conference calls, videos and emails is to tell stories about my family.

You have to be careful here because you don’t want to just tell any story.

Remember, your prospects are always asking… “what’s in it for me“.. So find stories that illustrate a great business or life lesson.

Then, you’re giving value and at the same time allowing your prospect to know, like & trust you.

3)  Email Your List Everyday (& include a link to join you)

I learned this from from one of my old mentors.  He’s earned a lot of income online so it’s probably a good idea to listen to him.

I started emailing my least every day at the first of this year and guess what?

I started enrolling 2 a day and yesterday I had my first 3 enrollment day.

4)  Connect with  your leads on Facebook

When I was in a tough spot, financially and I really needed to make money, I would copy the emails from my leads and paste them into the search bar on Facebook.

Lots of times I could find the people.

I’d add them as a friend and shoot em a quick message.

Now I have my assistant do it.

Here’s a message I got back from one of my leads the other day.

So.. then I sent him my link.  :-)

Bottom line on lead conversion

People are looking for ways to grow/get better/make more money.

They’ll always be open to those who are providing value to help make that happen.

The more value we provide.

The better results we get.

It’s easy to forget that people are looking for “what’s in it for them“.

Probably the biggest marketing lesson we could ever learn.

It’s not about what we want.. it’s about what they want.

Hope these tips help & whatever you do… never give up on your dreams.

You got this.


PS – What strategies have you used in the past to increase your conversions?

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