5 Tips For Allowing Our Subconscious Minds To Work Best

One of the modern marvels of success philosophy is the discovery that each of us has within us a built in Goal striving mechanism called the “Sub-Conscious mind”.

We have literally been engineered for success by our creator and sub-conscious mind is the machine that will propel us forward, continuously feeding us the ideas and automatically pushing us through the actions necessary for the achievement of any goal.

The bitter tasting piece of this equation is the sad truth that the vast majority of people allow this wonderful gift to instead function as a failure mechanism by not understanding it’s incredible power and allowing it to be fed destructive data versus constructive data.

In my quest to understand and master my marvelous mind, I’ve found the following 5 tips provided by Dr. Maxwell Maltz, in his landmark  book – Psycho-cybernetics to be very helpful in allowing my success mechanism to function successfully.

1.  Do Your Worrying before You Place Your Bet, Not After….

Of course we should gather data, plan and consider possible obstacles and setbacks before we implement our plan.  But once the plan is in place.. ACTION is the order of the day.

What good does it do us to worry after a decision has been made.  NONE!  Do your worrying BEFORE you decide on a business.  Wonder if it will “work” BEFORE you begin.

Once you’ve made your decision to move forward and be successful.  DO IT!

2.  Form The Habit Of Consciously Responding To The Present Moment…

The past and the future both have their places in our day to day lives.  The past serves as a teacher that can guide us toward better decisions in the present so we can live happier lives now and down the road.

The future acts as a magnet, pulling us towards the visions we have in our minds.

Give place in our daily lives for the pasts and futures to SERVE us but do not let them be counterproductive.

Spend some time to review the day so you can “gather up the past and invest it in the future”.

Spend some time planning & setting goals so you can move forward in a positive manner.

Once you’ve allotted the proper attention to the past & future – every other second of the day should be invested living in the moment for that is where the rubber meets the road.

Our lives are NOW people.. not yesterday or tomorrow..

Learn to live in the moment.

3.  Try To Do Only One Thing At A Time…

A great metaphor Dr. Maltz uses here is the hourglass.  The hourglass can only pass 1 grain of sand through the center at a time… Despite the hundreds or thousands of grains waiting for passage.

Same with us.

Although we have a million things to do… each must be done 1 at a time.

Give focus to the current task and understand that all other tasks will find there way through at the proper time.

4.  Sleep On It…

The subconscious mind appears to work continuously serving up ideas and solutions and sometimes, the best ideas come at night when it’s not being jammed by our conscious thought.

Form the habit of visualizing, pondering and thinking about various issues that need our attention just before drifting off to sleep at night and don’t be surprised when we are given the very answers we seek while our conscious mind is resting.

5.  Relax While You Work…

A few times a day, close your eyes.. breath deeply and put yourself in a relaxing state.  Relaxation is a secret key to optimal performance.

You do your best work when you’re subconscious mind is allowed to perform automatically the actions it has rehearsed from past successful experiences.

Do speakers and athletes perform well when stressed, worried or overwhelmed with conscious attention to the outcome?

The best performance comes from being “in the flow” or “in the groove” and this is a state that is best accessed through relaxation.

Final Thoughts…

Take 1 or 2 of these tips into your daily routine my friend and practice.  Don’t expect to be perfect over time but DO expect to improve bit by bit, little by little with each passing day.

That’s the key to an ever-increasing quality of life.

Never give up on your dreams!





Do you have any other tips for getting the most from you unconscious mind? I’d love to hear them below.

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