A Sign of Maturity

Having a view you can keep to yourself is 1 sign of maturity.

A strange fact about human nature is that most people would prefer to hear a lie that supports their existing beliefs and decisions, than hear a truth that is contrary.

This means that even when people ask for your opinion, unless they really want to know it (which is rare),

…sharing your contrary thoughts on the matter, even if true, will damage the relationship.

I used to think that it was my job to correct error and preach the truth everywhere I went.

How exhausting.

Our ego likes to tell us that the truth needs us.  That it will be harmed unless we are it’s outspoken defenders.

Diplomacy and wisdom whisper something different.

Winston Churchill said,

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”

And yes, there it is, for sincere seekers to find and live by.

There it is, to preach through example more so than vocabulary.

There it is, to be shared in rare moments amongst sincere souls, open and hungry for honest answers.

And for most other occasions,

Silence – a sign of maturity.

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