Expressing Interest

Hey, how’s it going?

We hear the phrase often & most of the time we’re just looking for a short response.

Have you ever had a conversation where someone sincerely wanted to know the answer?

Pretty rare, right?

Perhaps this is one reason coaching, according to Forbe’ is a booming billion dollar per year industry.

People want someone to listen and care so bad, they’re willing to pay for it.

Building rapport through expressing interest isn’t just about asking questions.

It’s caring about the answers.

‘Wow really? ‘ ‘That’s so interesting?’  ‘Tell me more about that.’  ‘Amazing!’  ‘How did you get into that line of work?’

Expressing honest & sincere interest in a person’s life is a very effective strategy for building rapport.

After all, great person to person sales seems to be as much (or more) about selling the prospect on themselves as it is about selling them product or service.

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