Financial Freedom [3 Breakthrough Ideas Revealed]

I’m excited because I believe that as you continue to read, you’re going to discover and understand on an even deeper level 3 fundamental wealth building ideas that can radically impact how your life works out.

Right now, I’m sitting on my back deck next to my hot tub, looking off into the distance – savoring the feeling of freedom that I’ve been able to create in my life.

This has been my dream for 9 years and now, I finally have it.


I choose to use the word ‘create’, because it certainly didn’t just come to me.

I consciously decided, 9 years ago, that I would be free… no matter what.

Freedom breakthrough Idea #1 – You Must Define Financial Freedom

Last night, I was at an opportunity meeting.

Call me weird, but I like to go and see how other people, teams, & companies are doing things so I can learn.

So, for my Friday night date night, my wife (Corene) and I, drove up to Idaho Falls Idaho to watch my friend give a presentation on their company, product and opportunity.

There was one slide in the presentation that really resonated with me.

They had three different financial snapshots on the screen with the question…

Which One Has True Financial Freedom

Doctor making $250,000 per year with a net worth of $430,000 and residual income of 0…

….  A contractor with an annual income of $89,000 per year, a net worth of a million and $0 residual income…


A teacher making $40,000 per year, 10 rental properties that net $3,800 per month residual income?  







Think about that for a moment my friend.

The insight on that is POWERFUL!  

Freedom breakthrough Idea #2 – Using or Controlling Strategic Business Intelligence

Earlier this week I was listening to a guy who’s earned 4.2 million dollars in the last 18 months.

He asked me a great question.

Bill Gates was at one time, the richest man on planet earth.


Was it through manufacturing hardware or was it because he had control of the intelligence that ran the hardware worldwide?

McDonalds is the most successful franchise opportunity in the world.

…Because they know how make the best hamburgers?

Is it because they know how to pick the best locations?

Or.. is it because when someone pays 1.5 million dollars for a McDonald’s franchise, they are purchasing ‘strategic business intelligence‘ that when applied exactly as outlined, consistently spits out profits for the owner?

This brings added insight to what my friend, Chris’s dad always told him growing up as a kid.

“When you empty your wallet to feed your head, in time, your head will feed your wallet instead.”

Something to think about right?

Freedom breakthrough Idea #3 – Applying ‘Leverage’ In Your Business

I remember memorizing the presentation for the very first network marketing company I was in.

One of the things we taught people was that wealthy people understand and apply leverage.

A simple definition for leverage is getting more with less.

A ‘lever’ is something that allows you to lift more weight with less force.

This multi millionaire I was listening to this last week said… “Forget addition, think multiplication”.

Passing out DVD’s or Flyers – one by one – is using addition in your business.

Being the guy or the gal who has an army of people passing out flyers and DVD’s is an example of using multiplication in your business.

Earning higher commissions for your product sales is an example of leverage because you’re able to earn more money with less effort.

Throwing up a YouTube video on the internet is an example of multiplying yourself.

Your prospects can see your message 24/7 – 7 days a week versus you having to be there each time to drop off a flyer or a DVD.   (another great example)

Clicking a button to send out a follow up to 10,000 people via an auto responder, versus having to follow up one, by one, by one —–> another example.

There are lots of ways to apply leverage, point is… like this millionaire said,

“Forget addition – think multiplication”… 

So there you have it my friend.

3 breakthrough ideas to winning your freedom.

1)  Define what financial freedom means to you.

2)  Control or utilize strategic business intelligence.

3)  Understand and apply leverage in your business.

Freedom is possible, and it’s worth it.

Keep going!

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