Friends, Acquaintances & Wolves in Sheep Clothing

Know the difference between friends, acquaintances, and wolves in sheep’s clothing.

A friend is someone who resonates with you.

You both seem to be on the same plane, vibrating and harmonizing together with thoughts and words and actions.

As long as you are doing good in the world they support you and believe you 100%.

They never judge, criticize, condemn, or complain.

These are the people you can have deep conversations with, and even be willing to bear your heart to.

An acquaintance is someone that you see from time to time, and have casual conversation with.

They smile you smile. You ask about each other’s families and life goings-on.

You love them and wish the best for them and they for you.

You don’t share deep things with these people because the relationship is not deep.

And that’s OK.

You’re grateful for it the way that it is.

The last category is one to be wary and careful of.

Even though we want to love everyone – some people,

…are better loved from a distance.

This is the last category.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing.

This is the type of person who looks like a friend talks like a friend and walks like a friend.

But the second you do something out of the ordinary, or out of the norm or set a bigger goal or have a bigger vision than they’re used to,

They get uncomfortable.

In order to preserve their comfortableness – they begin to attack you.

Some of these attacks may be to others behind your back.

Some of them may be expressed verbally to your face…

“oh he’s all high and mighty now”

“oh she’s just money hungry”

“oh now that they’re successful they’re too good for us”

A few of these attacks will simply be in the way they look at you or don’t look at you anymore.

The danger here, is allowing these people to set limits on your light.

I believe – God wants us to shine as bright as we can.

Some people – don’t.

And if we don’t recognize those people – and proceed accordingly,

They can have a massive, undesirable influence on our psyche.


Oh and let’s not forget what could be the biggest warning of all.

We can all easily fall into anyone of these three categories. 🙈

Let’s make sure we put ourselves in the right one.

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