How To Sponsor 10-20 People A Month Into Any MLM Company

Hey guys… You’re about to get some incredible value but first, let me ask you a question.

Are you sick of hearing presentations that say you just need 4 who get 4, or 2 that get 2 that get 2 and in a year you’ll be making $40,000 per month?

Unfortunately, I have personally given many presentations where I preached that crap.  I wasn’t intentionally trying to mislead people.  At the time, I naively believed it just might happen if everyone had enough belief.

Sure, we all know people that have gotten “lucky” and placed in just the right spot when the planets and the stars all lined up just right at the stroke of midnight on Friday the 13th,  and were able to collect a big fat check for a long time and that’s cool for them, but is that going to happen for you or me?

Odds are, HECK NO!

So instead of fantasizing about an MLM dream world where everybody in the “E” quadrant just magically “gets it” and our downlines grow just like the excel spreadsheet or diagram in the comp plan, why don’t we actually take a look at what it really takes to grow a MASSIVE downline and just get to work?

The answer?

You need to become a recruiting wizard and you need to teach your teammates to become unstoppable sponsoring MLM magicians.

Fortunately, it’s not as hard as you might think.

My buddy, Dave just broke it down for us in this exclusive audio.  He recruited 250 people, personally, into his last company and did it in under 6 months.

Get out something to write with and pay close attention.

Your life is about to change.


PS – What do you think?

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