Lasting Leadership

John Maxwell said, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”

‘But how to influence?’ asks the sincere and questioning soul.

Many tools stand ready for deployment.

Authority, manipulation, dollars in a bank account or on an income shot.

Indeed yes, forms of influence –  and yet how fickle and fleeting they seem to be.

Alexander the great conquered nations with great force and demanded to be worshipped as a God.

His influence today however, like a small candle flame flickering in the winds of time.

Jesus Christ commanded not armies of men nor legions of dollars,

And yet his influence continues to stand as a strong and mighty pillar holding up the house of history.

Fleeting & fickle leadership seems to be built with temporary tools.

Long term, lasting influence – built with others,

…tools which do not seem to be here today and gone tomorrow.

Value, vision and a love for and alignment with the truth.

The real tools of Titans.

Leadership based not on what you have but what you are.