Overcoming Objections

“I would love to get started but, I don’t have the money.”

‘I would love to buy but _______________.’

Sometimes people need a bit of help getting over the hurdle of filling out the form.

Here are 2 tools you can use to help people make the decisions they need to make to move forward towards getting what they want in life.

First, empathize.

The feel, felt, found method is great as long as you can use it in an authentic way.

“I understand how you feel Mary, I felt the same way before I got started.  What I found was (share your experience here of everything worked out great and there was nothing to be afraid of.)

Another tool you can use that works great here is the irresistible invitation formula.

Instead of using the “If I could, would you” formula for enticing someone to look at your presentation, you use it now, to overcome the prospects concern or dig deeper to find the real concern.

Let’s say Mary has a problem with paying full price for your product or is concerned she doesn’t have the money.

You could say, “Mary, if I could show you how to get your first couple enrollments within the trial period so you’d be earning enough to pay for your membership and possibly be earning extra money on top of that, would you be willing to get started now?”

This type of question will either help Mary move forward or bubble up another concern which sometimes happens which you can then work on with the same process.

Feel, felt found, and “If I could ______________, would you ______________.”

2 great tools for overcoming objections.

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