Passive Suicide

I have friend who always used to tell me his favorite movie was Shawshank Redemption.

He would always quote this line from the movie where one of the characters was talking about his dream of getting out of prison and moving to Mexico to live on the beach.

The one guy says to the other…

“Andy, I don’t know why you’re doing this to yourself man.  Your dream is down there, and you’re stuck in here.”

Andy then turns to his friend and says,

“I guess it comes down to a simple choice really.

You either get busy living or you get busy dying.”  

Yesterday I was talking to another friend of mine, Margarite, and she mentioned the term “Passive Suicide.”

All of a sudden, I got it.

I finally knew what my friend Chris had been talking about all those times when he quoted the line from this movie.

With a dream and vision for a better future you believe in, you live.

Without one, you die slowly.

Passive suicide. 

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