A Source Of Bad Decisions

The ego.

Because it cares more about how it will look than what is best.

Because it cares more about being the messenger than the impact of the message.

In leadership, it’s fatal.

People need to know you care more more about the mission, message and movement than being in the spotlight.

People need to know that if they can help the mission, they’re just as important as anyone in the group.

Ego makes this hard because it’s always saying “Look at me.”

Great leaders say “Look at where we’re going, look at what we can do, look how important we all are, together.”

Ego says “you need me.”

Great leadership says “We need we.”

2 thoughts on “A Source Of Bad Decisions”

  1. As we learned today:
    WIFM – What’s In it For Me?
    WIFT – What’s In it For Them?
    But the best is:
    WIFU = What’s In it For Us?


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