Top 3 Commonalities For True Love & Business

In Think And Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill says that that power to attract money is not unlike the power used by a determined lover wooing a companion.

That may be where the comparison starts, but it’s not where it stops.

It’s often said that success leaves clues so is it any wonder that good relationships grow on the same principles that foster a good business?

1)  Commitment

Successful, long term relationships, can only be founded upon total commitment.  In the Mormon faith, couples commit to marry for “Time And All Eternity”.

Quite a commitment, eh?

I think this is a great frame to begin a relationship.

Can you see the difference between this type of a commitment and “uhhh… sure I’ll try this out for a while and see out it works.”

Success in business AND marriage requires total commitment to the long term goal.

It requires understanding that there will be bumps in the road, but that the end result is worth the growth.

I remember hearing a top earner say…

“How would it be if your spouse said that they were 90% committed?”

Sounds ridiculous when you put it that way, right?

Total commitment is the only type of commitment what wins long term in business and marriage.

2)  Tolerance & Flexibility

If the ‘infatuation‘ state of the relationship passes, and you start to begin to see things in your partner that you didn’t see when you had the love goggles on… what do you do?

Kinda like when you join a business, and you’re all pumped up because you see the prospect of winning financial freedom… then reality sets in and you realize that you’re actually gonna have to work to make it happen.

In a marriage, you’ve got to be flexible and tolerant, if by chance, you have a flawed spouse (like my wife does).  🙂

In business, you’ve got to be flexible and tolerant with yourself and your team, realizing that ‘progress, not perfection‘ is what we’re after.

3)  Nurture

If a garden isn’t nurtured, the weeds are sure to grow.  It’s not a ‘maybe’, it’s a ‘certainty’.

And the same holds true for business and marriage.

You’ve got to tell and show your spouse you love em.

One of the ways my wife shows me she loves me by cooking me healthy meals.

I see her take extra effort that’s not easy to take, because she knows I have a desire to eat healthy.

This is one way she nurtures me and our relationship and I’m very grateful for it.

Your team has to know you love them too.

One of the BEST ways to show em you love em is to build your business every day and set the example.

Another is to be consistent.  Don’t be changing your course, message or company all the time.

People want someone they can count on to be consistent over time.  (just like in marriage).

Lastly, I think it’s totally cool to TELL people you love them.  

They like to hear it from time to time…

(I know I like to hear from my leaders)

But when you say it.. make sure you mean it.

Actions speak louder than words and if your actions are in harmony with what you really feel…

…they’ll believe it when you say it.

(just like in a marriage)

The Bottom Line

As Jim Rohn said, “All good things are located upstream from us”.

As Art Williams said “Nothing good in life comes easy.”

It’ll take some work… It’ll take some time… it’ll take some challenge… but my friend, I believe it’s worth it!  

In business… AND in marriage.

Happy 9 Year Anniversary Honey.  It’s been the best 9 years of my life and…

…we’re just getting started.  🙂

To recap, here are the top 3 common principles in building successful businesses and marriages…

  • Commitment
  • Tolerance & flexibility
  • Nurturing the seed

In you experience, what seems to make up a successful marriage?  Business?  I’d love to hear below.

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