What Is NLP? Discover The Secrets Of How It Can Work For You

what is nlp

Wondering What Is NLP?

Although the term is a highly popular one, many people are still asking the question, “What is NLP?”.

As you continue to read this article all the way through, you may discover the secrets of influence, power and wealth through the use of this mysterious power.

This is short form for neuro linguistic programming, a branch of science that was introduced by Richard Bandler in the 1970′s. It deals with the ability to change thought patterns and behaviors through the strategic use of modeling super achievers.

People can use verbal communication to sway others or the can become more effective in guiding themselves and leading their own lives.

Some people call it ‘hypnosis’ because really ->  Nlp can be considered a form of conversational hypnosis.

Much of this side of NLP came from a diligent study of the work of Milton Erickson, a master hypnotherapist who achieved astounding results with his patients by speaking with them hypnotically.


It can be connected to the law of attraction and other universal laws that assert that people do have the power to shape the worlds around them.

Every word that is spoken out loud has an impact on those that hear it. If people are constantly speaking negatively about themselves, their partners or their children, the behavior of these individuals will eventually begin to reflect the words that have been voiced.

Why Is Knowing What Is NLP Important?

Most people can recognize some time when they were subjected to the negative opinions of others. These events will have left an indelible imprint on the listener and could still be impacting the way he or she acts or reacts, even many years or decades later.

Knowing what is NLP can literally transform everything about your life, the way you think, feel, behave.  This leads to affecting the quality of results you see in your life & business.

The first step in employing neuro linguistic programming strategies is to determine how your own words are impacting your life.

This is also the very first step in answering the questions about linguistic programming. People simply need to assess how they talk to themselves, verbally coach themselves through challenging situations and how they speak about themselves to others. If they are constantly using negative or self-defeating words, they are likely taking negative or self-defeating actions.

The power of words can be clearly seen in the easy success of confident people. These are usually individuals who have been positively reinforced by their parents and other guides during their formative stages. They adopted positive and optimistic attitudes early on, recognizing that these fostered a proactive mentality and an ability to get things done the right way. These people are able to speak well of themselves and their abilities.

Conversely, people who have been programmed to have poor self images can have a battery of problems that must be addressed through more aggressively seeking answers to the what is NLP question. Not only has their sense of self-worth suffered, but they are also conditioned to view themselves as being unworthy of positive change. They believe that they are both incapable producing a better life and undeserving of the benefits that right action will provide.

Once people have accepted the challenge to speak and think better of themselves, they can experience a vast range of noticeable improvements, both in their actions and in their lives. This is a form of empowerment that is not easily equaled. A stronger sense of confidence allows people to start trying new things, taking new actions and accepting risk, something that is impossible to do if riddled with self-doubt that you are constantly reinforcing.

Another Answer To “What is NLP?”

…is that it is a science that can also be used to influence others. By simply speaking more hypnotically with NLP language patterns & other nlp techniques, your listeners will be far more likely to accept your suggestions and thereby make the positive changes they need to make in your life.

This can allow you to become a much better leader. Managers, lawyers, politicians, business owners and professionals in a broad range of fields, can all benefit from this training.

As a matter of fact, I learned about NLP through one of my mentors who has earned upwards of $250K per month.

Clearly, learning NLP (whether it was through an nlp certification online course or somewhere else)…

Has been extremely valuable to him.

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