You’re not alone…

Be kind to each person you meet because the truth is, for the most part, we never really know what’s going on in someone’s life.

Society, culture, ‘good business form’ seems to require that we always keep parts of our struggles, fears, doubts, etc, hidden away, deep inside.

In business & on social media, we all like to put on a happy face, and pretend that everything’s peachy all the time.

For the most part that’s probably a good thing, even though it tends to create false expectations of what life is really like for so many…

Just in case you’re struggling with something you feel is your burden to carry, and yours alone…
Know that there are others like you.

While you may feel alone, know that you’re not.

Trust that there are answers to the challenges you’re having and that sometimes, just moving forward is a smashing success.

4 thoughts on “You’re not alone…”

  1. Hey Paul….truly love it. In our journey through life, each of us is always in front or behind another person that may be in worst or in better circumstances than our own. Life is an adventure to be enjoy, learn, adjust, keep moving forward and make the best of each situation. Thanks…

    Stay blessed and joyful

    FJ Ortega

    • Thanks so much FJ,

      I really appreciate your perspective on life.

      So true… it also brings to mind the idea that there will be different books, ideas, and even mentors for each season of our development.

      Thanks for shining your light,



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