Facebook Continued

Have you ever noticed yourself being in the moment of a great life experience, and finding yourself being sucked out of the joy of that moment,

…because you’re too busy thinking about how you’re going to post the picture of the moment on Facebook & maybe even wondering how people will respond to it? read more


Ray Dalio, in his new book Principles, said,

‘Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones.’  

In my first few years of home business I cycled through 14 different companies.

That felt crazy.

Since 2012, I’ve stayed committed and loyal to a select few. read more


Arrogance: Conceit, self-importance, egotism.

Arrogance cares more about being right than what is right.

Arrogance gets more joy out of being seen, reading the book, driving the car or helping the person than actually reading the book, driving the car or helping the person.

Arrogance is pointing to goodness and not being able to fully appreciate it because you’re too busy being distracted by the beauty of your finger. read more