A Profitable Facebook Ad

Last year I invested thousands of dollars in FB ads and didn’t come anywhere close to recouping my cash outlay.

This last month I’ve been running a simple ad with a $5 per day budget that has produced 51 new leads, 3 new customer enrollments, and commissions in excess of my ad cost.


You may have seen the ad but here’s the link to check it out in case you’re curious.

Here are some quick tips that I think have mad the difference between my wasting money on ads in the past and having a profitable ad today.

  • Keeping it simple 

I’ve seen lots of complicated FB ad strategy and most of the time I got overwhelmed and/or so confused I didn’t know what I was doing.

I left lead capture pages and funnels all the way out of this ad process and instead used messenger, a simple ad format and a sales video.

Simple format…

  1. Get attention,
  2. Highlight a problem (or problems)
  3. offer a solution.
  • Make it engaging with simple sales tools

Instead of inviting people to a lead capture page, we skip that whole process in this ad and instead, invite them to comment below if interested.

This does 2 things.

First, it shares the ad into their news feed which can get free exposure and reduce the overall cost of the ad.

Second, it gets a conversation started.

When they comment, I use a program called “Many Chat” to  them a Facebook messenger message which asks for their email.

I now have a chance to build a relationship and the prospect has a direct line to message me with questions.

If you’re new to building a business from home – conversation can play a HUGE role in increasing conversion.

Hope these tips help you on your journey!

An ad that works can really help to save time on prospecting and instead help to create a situation where you’re only speaking to people who have raised their hands and said ‘I’m interested.’

I think that’s pretty cool.

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