Start Where You Stand

Last night Robert Lawrence, a freedom crusader in our community, asked on our weekly Academy coaching session, 

"What do I do if I don't have great pictures and content to make myself look awesome on my marketing pages?"  

He got some great feedback from some of our coaches including the following. 

"Start where you stand and better tools will be made available along the way."  

"When I first started online, I put on a suit and had my wife take a picture of me in front of one of our white brick walls at church."  

"It wasn't great, but it was a start and along the way, better pictures showed up along with better stories, results & testimonials to help craft a more attractive narrative."  

When you plant a seed, it's just a seed to start – but you plant it with the faith that it will grow into something better over time. 

It's the same with your marketing. 

Start with what you got, and with faith & action, better materials will show up over time.  

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