How I Went From Failure To Success In Network Marketing

4 years of network marketing failures, and there I knelt beside my sleeping boys, praying to God for a miracle.

I’d tried it all—endless contact lists, hotel pitches, yard signs flapping uselessly—only to now face my sleeping kids, gut-punched by the fear I’d failed them as a father.

They say your breaking point can be your turning point, and what happened next makes me think it’s true. From this moment, I went on to out-recruit everyone in my company and become the #1 all-time earner. It’s unreal to look back now and see how fast all my dreams came true.

I want to share with you what made the difference.

I found network marketing because the best I could do after college was a job in a call center cubicle making $11 an hour. All my wife and I could afford to live in was a 1984 single-wide mobile home.

a mobile home with trees and a white truck

Every day, I’d get up, go to work, and give it all I had.

I was the guy who showed up early, worked through lunch, and stayed late. None of that seemed to matter.

I got passed up for promotions by people who worked less than I did because they were the better butt-kissers. I hated that that’s how it was, and I didn’t want to sink to that level for money.

One time, I skipped my wedding anniversary to sacrifice for the company. The thanks I got? The boss was disappointed I didn’t say “Yes” fast enough because I wanted to check with my wife first.

What a bunch of crap!

A fire inside me started to burn, and I knew there was no way I was going to spend my life sacrificing my family for money or for a cold-hearted company that didn’t appreciate me.

So when a friend asked me to look at his network marketing business, I said ‘yes’ and joined.

I thought this was the answer. Little did I know, my problems were just getting started.

I burned through my contact list and realized that, shockingly, not all my friends and family wanted to join.

Making those first few calls to some of my neighbors was terrifying.

The phone shook in my hand as I dialed the numbers; my voice trembled as I invited them over to my house, but 4 of them said yes. My sponsor gave the presentation, then they all said “no”.

I had to find a way to enroll a lot more people if I was ever going to reach my income goals.

I was dying to prove to my wife and everyone else that this would work and was willing to do ANYTHING to succeed. Fish bowls in restaurants for business cards, trade shows, flyers on cars in the freezing cold winter. Heck, I even talked my best friend into going door-to-door with me.

The result? More embarrassing failure.

It was humiliating to be working so hard for so little result while people were laughing and looking down on me.

One time, a close relative said, “I can’t believe your wife puts up with this.”

“Puts up with what?” I asked.

“Puts up with you keeping your family cramped in this tiny little shack,” she said with a disapproving glance toward our trailer-house home.

It felt like a dagger in my heart because I knew she’d said out loud what others were thinking.

I was being foolish trying to build “one of those things” while I had a wife and family to support.

I wanted so badly to prove them all wrong, but I WAS embarrassed, and deep inside, I secretly wondered if they were right.

After 4 grueling years of this, things took a turn for the worse.

I was working in my little office, trying to make my business grow, when I heard my wife’s Suburban pull into the driveway. I got up from my desk and walked out to meet her. She put the baby down and came into the room. I could see she’d been crying.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“The doctor said Kyson has a birth defect where the bones in his head are fused together, and he needs a $50,000 surgery at Primary Children’s Hospital.”

a man looking at a baby in a crib

It hit me like a ton of bricks that our insurance had just expired.

I wrapped her in my arms and told her that everything was going to be okay, but the truth is, I didn’t know, and I was scared.

Jobless, savings dwindling, business failing, family to support, and now an expensive surgery for my newborn son.

This is how I got to the breaking point that ended up being a turning point.

This is how I found myself praying to God for a miracle.

a child sleeping with stuffed animals

Well, not long after that fateful prayer, I saw an ad on the Internet for a lead generation system made especially for network marketers.

I clicked on the ad and heard things that almost sounded too good to be true. So much of what we see online is.

I was desperate, though, and humble enough to give it a chance.

Everything they said sounded AMAZING, but it all made sense as I thought about it.

The guy on the video said that by using their system and teachings, I could wake up every day to a fresh list of leads in my inbox that I could talk to about my business.

No more running around in a frenzy trying to get random people to join.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, it got even better!

These would be people who’d actually requested information from me and wanted to hear from me.

Wait, no more chasing, begging, and rejection?

How great would it be, I imagined, to end the stress, worry, and uncertainty about where I was going to find my next customer or distributor?

How life-changing would it be to wake up and see them popping into my email inbox, just waiting for me to show them my business?

If I could just solve my lead problem, it would be game over from there.

I knew the last 4 years had led me here, and I did NOT want the next four years to be like the last. Something HAD to change.

So I kept learning, and the more I learned, the more excited I got.

The excitement compounded when I saw people inside the system having massive success.

In addition to what I was learning in the videos and course material, I picked a mentor to follow and began to watch closely and model what he was doing.

This combination was the 1-2 punch I needed.

New ideas and strategies for lead generation and recruiting An example to follow that was working

I started to feel excited about my business again! Even though the results weren’t instant, I had a new exciting plan, one that didn’t require me to do things that were uncomfortable or embarrassing. One that had HUGE potential and just made sense.

I couldn’t wait to get up each morning to apply what I was learning. The cloud over my business was gone, the sun was shining, and a new fire was burning inside.

The first big confirmation that it was working came in the form of a voicemail.

I clicked play and heard, “Hi Paul, this is Laureen from New Jersey. I found you on the Internet, and I’m ready to join. I just need your distributor ID number.”

WHAT!? Are you kidding me!?

A stranger, someone I’d never met… just called and asked to join my business?

This was just the beginning.

As I continued to learn and apply this new way of doing things, I eventually got to the point where every single day I was getting 3 to 5 requests from people asking if they could join my network marketing business.

All the worry over where to find my next customer or team member—gone.

Replaced by confidence in my future because now they were coming to me.

Armed with this new marketing plan, I won first place in a company recruiting contest, and my wife and I were treated to an all-expense-paid trip to the Bahamas.

I ended up reaching the top level in my company and becoming the all-time #1 rep.

We were finally in a position to save for the future, pay off debt, invest, buy a home in the country, and move out of that trailer house.

We even got to travel more, and the memories I have of taking my wife to places like Maui, Rome, and Greece fill my heart with joy because those were such special experiences for her.

Others were noticing our success too.

My wife’s aunt saw a picture of me on stage with a big check and asked my in-laws, “Was that real?” 🙂

I was always doing network marketing for myself, my family, and my future, but I must admit, it felt very satisfying to have others finally see that “this thing” actually works.

The material stuff is nice, and I’m super thankful for it all, but the thing I’m most thankful for is the freedom I finally found. I’ve been able to be at all my kids’ games, and I’ve been there for my family when they needed me most. I never had to ask permission from a boss to do things that were important to my loved ones or feel bad because I wasn’t being “loyal” to the company.

I’m proud of who I’ve become and the work I do.

None of this would have happened had I not been willing to

  • Be open to learning new ideas and strategies
  • Follow a proven system
  • Model a mentor who could show me exactly what to do
  • Oh, and NEVER GIVE UP, of course 😉

The last surprising lesson I learned in this journey is that it’s true what they say.

“Money can’t buy happiness.”

Don’t get me wrong, it helps, but it doesn’t seem to be what feeds the soul.

In my experience, a big part of happiness seems to come from a sense that what we’re doing each day is helping and contributing to others in some positive way.

This is why I took the time to write this story. I hope it can provide some value to your journey, especially if you’re where I was all those years ago.

It’s also why I invested a good chunk of time organizing all the best marketing, sponsoring, and recruiting lessons my mentors gave me into a free 7-video course called “Online Recruiting Secrets”

If you want to check it out, just click the link below 👇

I sincerely hope these lessons can change your business and life like they’ve changed mine.

I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

Thanks for reading, and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!

Paul Hutchings

P.S. Feel free to connect with me here on Facebook.

P.P.S – If you’d like to see way to learn marketing AND grow a residual income even faster, I’d love to invite you check out the company I co-founded. You can learn click here to learn more.

54 thoughts on “About Paul Hutchings”

  1. I don’t like you Paul and had to comment on how I really feel.

    Well – I LOVE YOU Paul Hutchings and so very grateful for all you do and especially for the daily Grow Rich Mastermind for the past 11+ years. It has been by Rock and keeps me centered every day that allows me to be strong and have faith rather than fear as I go through my life. Life looks sooo amazing from all I have learned from you, the hosts of the call and the books I have read – just fabulous.

    So Paul thank you and I truly love you very much and can’t wait to see you again on November 11, 2022!!!!

    • ahhh Jessie! I have to tell you, you’re comment shocked me a little, then made me laugh then made my heart smile SO BIG!

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the kind words and for all of your SUPPORT and SERVICE and LOVE and HEART and CONTRIBUTIONS that have made it possible to help that grow rich mastermind keep on keeping on!

      So thankful for you and yes, I love you too!

  2. Hi Paul, I am so thankful to God for sending you to be a part of my life as a leader.

    You are a true servant leader.

    I want you to know that, I do appreciate all the hard work you are putting in to help us to understand how to effectively market and build an online business.

    Since I’ve met you, I have grown tremendously, because of your leadership and example.

    You are awesome Paul, keep up the good work.

    Continue to let your light shine.

    Thank you, Paul.

  3. Thanks, Paul for being a good friend and mentor over all these years. I’ve learned a great deal from your words and example about life and business. Keep up the great work.

    • Thank YOU Dee for being such a great friend and supporter to me over all these years. You are one of my FAVORITE people and it make me smile so big to think that we met over 10 years ago and we’re still on the path, together, today. Love ya man!

  4. Hey Paul,

    When I first talked to Amy about HBA in August of 2020 I was in a really dark place. I had just got fired from my job because of COVID and really did not know what I was going to do. I was really lost and unsure of my future. And now almost 21 months later I have come out of the darkness and have seen the bright light of my future and it’s all thanks to you and the amazing HBA community. I thoroughly enjoy getting on all the masterminds each week, and always look forward to learning from your experience and wisdom.

    I am so grateful to you for all you do. I’m not sure if I will ever be able to repay you. But please know that you helped this lost soul to find his way. I am not there yet but you have flashed the light of freedom for me to follow.

    I appreciate you my brother. Can’t wait to meet you in person in November.

    • Craig,

      Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to write that. I LOVE your story and hearing about where you are vs. where you are now brings such JOY to my soul.

      At the end of the day, that’s one of the most important things we do in this type of a business. Help people remember that where they are, isn’t where they have to stay .

      I’m so grateful for YOU too and all you’ve done and continue to do to help us lead in the best way we can.

      I can’t wait to meet you and give you one of the biggest bro hugs EVER!

      Thanks again and love ya man!


  5. Paul is a leader among leaders his honesty and integrity is something that is hard to find in this arena. He teaches and serves his community with a kind heart. Paul inspires us all with his fun family stories, real life scenarios, and with his morning Napoleon Hill study calls. I feel blessed to have met him so many years ago. My life is so much better because of him.

    • ahhhh thank you so much Jona for those beautiful and sincere words. I’m so thankful for you, our friendship and all the support you’ve given me and continue to give me that’s helped me to stay the course and become who I am today.

      My life is so much better because of YOU!

  6. Such an inspiring story and so very grateful for the light that you shine to others while creating a home (The Home Business Academy) for so many online entrepreneurs. That we can pursue our dream (mine is music), utilize the awesome tools available to us and learn various marketing strategies to become a better marketer online and via email. Truly grateful for the gift of YOU. 🙂

    • Thanks so much LT! Appreciate that and so happy we’ve created something that is allowing you to pursue your dream. ‘Life without a dream is like breath without oxygen.’

      Love ya man and thankful, also, for the gift of YOU!

  7. Thank you so much for being one of my biggest lights in the darkness.

    You are one of the most amazing humans I have ever had the privilege of spending time with and learning from.

    Thank you so much for all of the value, the love, and the greatness that you contribute to the world.

    I love you tons,


    • Wow… I really feel like I should say something profound after reading that beautiful comment but I’ll settle with this…

      ‘I’m rubber, you’re glue, everything good you say bounces off me and sticks to YOU!”

      ha ha…

      Seriously though Amy, thank you so much. Those words mean a lot to me and so do you!

      You’ve helped me to grow so much and given me a big reason to keep working to be the leader the people around me, that I love, deserve.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for Amy Starr Allen!

  8. Hey Paul! I really loved reading your story and what all of this means to you. I have to say, when i first came across you after joining HBA I was a little intimidates. Pictures of you on stage, time and money freedom, and even creating this business with your partner, Mike. But then as I got to know you I realized that you weren’t that intimidating at all and actually such a joy to be around. It’s because of you that I’ve been able to have many firsts in my business (like speaking on stage and accepting an award) and I can’t wait for how our lives will unfold in the future. Love you brother Paul!

    • Thanks Josh! I’m so thankful you took the time to leave me a comment and so happy to hear that I’m not intimidating.. THANK GOODNESS! ha ha..

      You’re one of my favorite people and leaders in the whole world! I see so much greatness in you and It was one of my greatest joys, to have been able to help create a platform for you to share the light that you deserved to share.

      Love you too and I’m so excited about our future together!

  9. Always love reading your story, and I’ve received so much value from you over the years it’s insane!

    You were a HUGE impact on me starting my personal development journey in 2011 and it has helped me eliminate debt, breakthrough income plateaus and ultimately win my freedom in 2013.

    So glad to be in business with you all these years! Keep rocking it!

    • Paul and Mike
      You both are amazing and even more awesome together. I’m so glad I took the leap deciding to get involved with your Home Business Academy. Thanks for all you do! What a great team!!!

    • The feeling is 100% mutual Mr. Titan of Tech, President of Prosperity, my Freedom Crusading brotha from anotha mutha! 🙂

      You are one of the greatest blessings in my life and I thank God every day that we found each other all those years ago and formed a friendship.

      I couldn’t do what I do without you and our mastermind alliance is truly something to treasure.

      Thank you, thank you, thank you for Mike Hobbs, his AMAZING heart and his loyalty, commitment, dedication and service to me and so many others!

  10. Anyone who is reading this comment is on this page wondering who is Paul Hutchings? I’ll give her a few thoughts of my own based on the experiences that I’ve had with him since I started working with HBA nearly 2 years ago, he is a true #FreedomCrusader who cares about you and wants the best for not only your life but others in the world.

    When Paul speaks he always has something valuable to say. He doesn’t just like the sound of his own voice like some other leaders in the industry.

    On a personal note ❤️ Paul thank you so much for helping me to realize the greatest inside me and you really helped me start to take these first steps after our 1×1 conversation in August 2020 💥
    I thank you 🙏
    I love you 😍 and
    I’ll Crusade with you forever 🦸

  11. Paul,

    I have to tell you that you have had a huge influence on me, my business and my life.

    The tips in your videos is priceless and I always look forward to opening my email and seeing a post from you.

  12. Good Morning Paul,

    I was checking out my Facebook page and ran across your article, which made me continue reading your article. Struggling has always been a problem for me.

    I have dedicated myself to learning as much as possible about this form of digital marketing, taking a closer look at how marketing has evolved in the business world.

    Using this new wealth of knowledge, I successfully joined and found a home with the Home Business Academy while learning that anything is possible. I believe at this time, and I will be able to succeed.

    This is just a quick note to let you know how much I appreciate your connection. It’s rare to find friends with whom you can share information and people like you who make a difference in this world.

    Let’s keep in touch. Check me out at this site, and I would appreciate some feed

    I look forward to sharing information with you. Connect with me on


  13. I have known Paul Hutchings for quite a while now!! I am very privileged to know Paul. After being burned by other programs, a friend of mine told me about Paul and his teachings, let me tell you I though I knew stuff… I knew nothing!! I am so GLAD and grateful to have learned and still learning a lot of advanced business strategies from a group of people who are like minded. What he teaches would have taken me years to learn and I learned them in meer months instead of years on my own. The support he provides is unlike any other in the industry and you can literally take that to the bank. Not only he provides teachings and valuable resources and education but also fills up your pockets. The experience he has in the industry I believe is unmatched. Best of all, the compassion, the moral and ethical standards of this company is just unheard of.

  14. Hey Brother!!! I knew instantly when I came across your YouTube channel and watched your videos, that you were some one I wanted to work with!!! I know deep in my gut that you are going help me succeed and also helping me impact other peoples lives. So am telling you in advance, Thank You 🙏.

  15. Paul,

    After all the years of learning how to make money with affiliate marketing. You have inspired me and shown me the BIG picture. You’re always there to answer questions when we need help and I now feel 100% confident I will reach my goals thanks to you and the Freedom Crusaders family!

    Thank you!

  16. Dear Paul. Hi there! I am currently living in Canada and will be moving back to Australia very soon. Is there someone down there who I can gain information and help regarding CTS? Do you have any connections? Cheers – Lori

  17. Paul, after working with you for several months now, I believed you’ve gained a great deal of insights from your experiences and that they have now served you well.

    Glad to know you my friend.

  18. Hey paul… i am going to be put on to Timothy Buist’s list here soon. But i had a question not related to one24. Did you attend Ricks College or what they call it now BYU-Idaho. And are you LDS? I went to school there from 2001-2002 and 2005-2007. I still have a 208 number as well.

    • Hey there! 

      Awesome.  Timothy is an amazing guy and a great business partner.  I look very much forward to meeting you and working with you as well. 

      I did not attend BYU Idaho.  I went to Idaho State University for a year and finished my Business degree at DeVry University in Phoenix AZ. 

      I am LDS.  I served a mission to Taiwan in 02-04.  🙂 

      Look forward to chatting! 


  19. great Chatting with you Paul…I can understand how you’ve become so the way you communicate…good day from Canada! Eh!

    • Wayne buddy!

      Thanks so much for the very nice compliment. I really appreciate that.

      I enjoyed our chat and appreciate the tips you gave me on getting my “Guitar Groove” on. 🙂

      You’re a great communicator yourself…you’ve got a bright future in this industry. I can tell.

      Good day from USA eh! 😉


  20. Paul – you seem knowledgeable about MLM and open to constant learning – a very important attribute! Your articles definitely help me to make some great educated decisions, so thank you!

    • Hey Jen,

      I truly am a student of the industry. I love to learn and share good things with people.

      I appreciate that fact that my training is helping you. That's the whole goal.

      I look forward to connecting with you soon!


    • Hey Throeau,

      Thanks for stopping by my friend. I'm glad you enjoy the content.

      I appreciate that compliment very much.

      Welcome to the community.

      It truly is an awesome training ground.

      I would love to connect with you sometime.

      Give me a call @ 208-557-8009.

      Talk soon my friend!


  21. You know what I like the most about you – Very simple and down to earth. I have to say that we truly need to stay connected and I hope that we can come together very soon and dominate the Mindset Mastery


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