The Grey Area

Recently I came across a project that, initially, I became very excited about. In fact, it almost seemed too good to be true. The closer I looked, the more I wondered… Is this legal? Is this ethical? I came to the conclusion that an argument could be made either way. I had stepped into the …

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At All Costs?

Andrew Carnegie told Napoleon Hill becoming a millionaire was not the right goal for the majority of people because for some, it would cost too much. Strong desire and dedication to your outcome are important on the freedom journey, but perhaps knowing what you’re not willing to sacrifice to get to “the top“, equally so. I …

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The Master Blogger Says

Epic 2,000 word posts. Hours a day to research & write. A Herculean task for readers to read. Sure, blogging can be like that. But it doesn’t have to be. Fast food works because it’s fast. Brevity in blogging works for the same reason. If you can briefly, educate, inspire, entertain and stimulate, … odds are, …

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Not based on what is generally done or believed. Something different. Unique and groundbreaking. Interesting. Dare to be different because, you are. And by embracing who you really are, and doing what you’re meant to do, the world receives a unique gift. The gift of the true you. The unconventional you.