Top 4 Tips For Winning Freedom From Home: How To Get Results Fast

There I knelt, with tears streaming down my face, looking over the 2 angelic, sleeping faces of my kids, praying to God for help that I could somehow, some way break through to freedom in my home based business. There were many times along my journey to freedom that I wondered if it was ever going to really happen for me. I mean after 14 failed attempts in different companies, I gotta admit, even I was starting to question my sanity and wonder if this was EVER going to work.

What I Learned From Breaking A Board With My Bare Hand

It’s literally 2:19 in the morning and I’m sitting here in my Hotel room in Miami florida writing this blog post before I go to bed BECAUSE – i had a really cool experience that I wanted to document for you. I never imagined that I’d be breaking boards with my bare hands…