Oh Divine Providence

I love those three words.  They resonate with my spirit. And they contain a great communication lesson as well. Ambiguity.   If I said… “Oh Allah”  i would appeal to Muslims and Muslims alone. If I sad… “Oh Jesus” ‘ i would appeal to Christians and Christians alone. Once upon a time someone asked Napoleon Hill… …

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she just called me stupid…

True story. I was just chatting back and forth with a new member in our Facebook group when all of sudden, she says to me… “you suck at making conversation.” She told me that she was annoyed that I would ask a question and then wait a day to respond. She said… “I don’t make …

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The Truth About The News

It’s always negative. Even when things are generally positive, the news is predominantly negative. This is, in part, because most humans are attracted to train wrecks. One mentor told me this is because if our early ancestors didn’t pay attention to the unknown sound behind the tree, they could have been eaten by a tiger …

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Top 9 Tips For More Facebook Engagement

I hear people say all the time, “something is wrong with the Facebook Algorithm, I’m not getting any engagement.” All the while, I see others getting TONS of engagement on almost everything they post. If someone is getting engagement, and another is not – odds are high it’s not the algorithm, but the person and …

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Marketing & Branding For Home Biz Pros – Demystified

Over the years I’ve heard more than one leader say “We discourage marketing, branding, lead gen, etc. – because it’s not duplicate-able.” I get it.  You want to teach people to do things that are simple in the hopes that they’ll sponsor more customers & reps. Relationship, invitations, relationship, invitations – rinse and repeat because …

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