Faster Taxes

In years past gathering my financial data for my accountant was a 2-3 day affair. I just finished that entire process in just about 2 hours. Part of the reason it went so fast this time, was because I’ve been keeping business books with QuickBooks online for my businesses. Instead of spending hours trying to …

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The 3rd R

The first step to building a residual income from home is to recruit. Not recruit and drain. Recruit and retain. If you can recruit and retain – wallah, you now have residual income. But that’s not all. If you want to help others do it to, you have to know about the 3rd R. And …

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Why I Don’t Budget

The other day, as we were studying law of success #3, the habit of savings, one of our mastermind participants, Lillian Gregory, mentioned how the ideas of budgeting and saving money never seem to get her excited. I can totally relate. Budgeting and saving money for the sake of budgeting and saving money alone, never …

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The Golden Mean

Aristotle was a proponent of something called The Golden Mean – the desirable middle between two extremes. The idea is that many virtues, taken to extremes can turn into vices. Courage for example, without restraint, can turn into recklessness. This idea has come to form a valuable part of my philosophy relating to wealth and income generation. …

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