Quick YouTube Tip

Yesterday I noticed fellow Freedom Crusader Mike Hobbs do something different with his YouTube video.

Rather than post the video on his blog and send his list there, he sent us straight to the video on his YouTube channel which I thought was cool.

It was a good way for me to consume his content and I realized, the more people that see that video from his list, the better his search engine results for traffic on YouTube all across his channel will be, so that’s a great benefit. read more

30 Day Challenge For More Trust, Sales & Impact

Aside from one on one conversations with your prospects, videos are the next best thing for developing rapport and trust.

Daily videos can help you get your face, voice & value in front of your audience consistently so they get to know, like & trust you over time.

When it comes time to make a purchase decision – all the valuable videos you’ve shared with your audience can really help to stack the odds in your favor. read more

Free Logo Maker

Although probably not 100% necessary for building a business from home, logos can be a powerful piece to your marketing.

They can cast an umbrella of meaning over everything you do so that when people see your logo, they instantly think of what it means to do business with you.

Think of Apple & that simple, clean, elegant piece of fruit with the bite in the side. read more