Your Story Is For

Recently I’ve invested some time updating the ‘about me‘ section on my blog.

It’s caused me to reflect a lot on my story, which for some reason I’ve found myself hesitant to share at times in the past.

Yesterday while mowing the lawn a flash of insight came into my mind.

“First, your story is for you, then – it’s for others.” read more

Fake Scarcity

Urgency and Scarcity are both powerful triggers for enticing someone to make a decision.

Urgency is when something is time sensitive and scarcity is when there is a limited quantity available.

I’ve used them both at various times and have seen great results with them.

I’ve also seen when they can have the unintended effect of driving people away. read more

Gaining Trust

In a world where someone is trying to get inside your wallet every where you turn, it can be difficult to stand out and gain trust.

Here’s a simple idea that can help.

Sell less, serve more.

If people feel that your sincere agenda is to help them, they’ll know the things you’re selling are designed to do just that. read more