The Buddhist & The Christian

Once upon a time a Buddhist & a Christian met on a path in the woods. They told each other their struggles & here’s what happened. The Buddhist told the Christian, “In meditation, you will find Nirvana.” The Christian told the Buddhist, “God will answer your prayers.” Each said in his own mind “That’s nice” …

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To me, tolerance is when you can say, “I may disagree with you, but I love you anyway.” And a step further, “There’s a great chance I could be wrong.” It the opposite of intolerance. It’s the way a higher level consciousness responds to a lower level consciousness. Do you respond with hatred, revenge or ill …

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Funny Story

A while back, after playing basketball with my sons one day, they wanted to go out for some ice cream. My 8 year old Camden, had a $5 bill and wanted to treat his brothers to a cone. We get there, place the order and the total comes to $4.18. Camden says, “Dad, should we …

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A Best Friend

A friend is someone with whom you can share, anything you have on your mind. A friend is someone who will lift you ahead, when you have fallen behind.  🙂 I’m blessed to have several ‘best friends‘ in my life ( of course my beautiful wife Corene is at the top of the list) , …

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