2 Secrets To Closing More Sales Like A Pro

In today’s blog post,  I want to share with you something that might be very useful in helping you close more sales and sponsoring more reps.

The other day one of my team members said “I’ve got someone who is interested but they want more info, quick – what do I do?”

I shared 2 tips with here and within 5 minutes she was jumping up and down and running around her house like a crazy woman because the person joined.

(I was super pumped too!)  Here’s what I told Jodene that seemed to make the difference.

I said Number 1 reconfirm the level of seriousness.

If you know there why, then you can reconfirm how serious they are on achieving their there why.

For example you could say, ” Mark you told me that you wanted to make $5,000 a month so you could quit your job right?

On a scale of 1 to 10 how serious are you about making that happen.

10 being like I’m ready to go, I’m serious, I’m serious.

0 being I’m just kind of playing around.”

If you do not know their why but they told you they like what they saw, you can also reconfirm seriousness.

You can just say, ” how serious are you about making it happen?

How serious are you?”

Its better if you know there ‘why’ but if you don’t you can still ask the question “how serious are you?”

Once they come back and say I’m serious, I’m very serious then what you can do is you can say something like,

Remind them of the Money Back Guarantee (Risk reversal)

“Well here’s what I recommend let’s get you started for the x price, and just remember that we’ve got 100% money back guarantee, and the reason we have that is because we know that the best way for people to get all of the information they need is to get inside and see it from the inside.”

On our team we’ve got a two week money back guarantee.

It’s only _____ dollars to get started, so it’s really easy to just say here’s what what I recommend let’s get you started for the ______ dollars, you can get your money back if it’s not for you.

In fact I’ll give you the email to support where you can just send an email and get your money back so there’s no risk.

The reason we do that it’s because we want you to get on the inside, see everything from the inside, and then you can make a fully educated decision as to whether or not this is the company, this is the team, this is something that you want to run with.

This is called risk reversal.

It’s an important step in the sales process.

People sometimes hold back from making decisions because they perceive that there is risk.

Well if you can eliminate that risk then there’s no reason that someone shouldn’t just get started, and see everything from the inside.

As long as they know they can get there money back right.

I tell people sometimes I’m like “look I don’t want to work with people who don’t fully want to do what we’re doing.”

It works for me to have a 2 week money back guarantee as well.

It works for me to let you see from the inside, because if you can really see from the inside of my team and what we got going on.

Odds are you’re going to be convinced and I want someone that knows what we’ve got and is fully supportive.

That’s who i want to run with. I want people to come in for the low entry price. See what’s on the inside and then make a more powerful decision that yes this is something that I’m going to run with.

Yes this is something that I’m going to stay committed to, or they can choose to go the other way.

If they choose not to stay I bless them, and release them, and I’m happy to see them go because I do not want someone working with me, who is not fully committed.

Anyway I shared those couple of tips with Jodene and a few minutes later she comes back in the chat, and she’s like,

“they said they’re signing up right now,” and she’s like Wohoo!

She’s like. “I’m so excited, and psyched up,  I’m dancing around the house like a crazy woman. My husband thinks I’m nuts,” and we were just like, “go Jodeen, awesome, awesome, awesome job.”

The person she was connecting with said yes after she followed those 2 simple steps.

Number 1 reconfirm level of seriousness, and then number 2 here’s what I recommend, why you recommend it, and then utilize that risk reversal so they know that there’s nothing to risk here.

Hope those 2 tips have helped you.

If so comment, like down below.

Let me know. Are you already using these in your business? If you already are using them, how are they working out for you?


3 thoughts on “2 Secrets To Closing More Sales Like A Pro”

  1. Amazing tips Paul, thank you so much. My breakthrough moment was about the 100% money back guarantee… you helped me get off the fence about offering that, and now I can with complete confidence. Thanks again! I appreciate you and your value you continue to share with us ♡

    • Kati Sage – Sister… you are SO welcome . And man- I’m SOOOO grateful to hear there was a breakthrough moment.. 🙂 That totally makes my day.

      And thank you for taking the time to leave me the comment and let me know.



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