If You Build It

In the movie field of dreams, there is a line,

“If you build it, they will come.”

One thing that used to stop me from

  • building the blog
  • making the call
  • speaking at the event or
  • _________________ (fill in the blank)

…was the fear that if I opened my mouth, there’d be nothing there.

The fear that if I opened my doors, no one would walk through.

Here’s what I found.

“If you build it, they will come.” 

The ideas, the supporters, the customers, the team members – they all came after I decided to build it.

They came.

And they kept coming.

But first was that initial decision, that big step, to start.

Planting the field may not always guarantee a great harvest,

…but deciding not to plant always guarantees no harvest at all.