
Marketing changed my life.

It’s when I made the shift from asking just friends & family, to effectively asking ‘strangers’ to buy by products & join my business.

For me, a big part of the shift was turning those strangers into friends through the marketing process.

But what is marketing anyway?

2 of the best definitions I’ve heard.

  1. Marketing is when you sell products that people really want to the people who really want them.

In other words, if there is a crowd of people standing around in a circle, a small percentage of that crowd may really want what it is you’re selling.

Good marketing effectively gets what you’ve got to those people in a great way.

But I recently read another definition of marketing that I thought was useful.

For Christmas, a friend gave me the book Tribes, by Seth Godin.

In this book he gives another insight.

He says marketing is

2. telling stories around your products & services.

In other words, tell the stories about what you’re selling to the right people in the right way.

Telling compelling stories, about compelling products, services & movements, not to everyone, but to the right one’s.

The last step, according to Seth Godin, is,

The part where you show up, regularly, consistently and generously, for years and years, to organize and lead and build confidence in the change you seek to make.

That’s marketing.