The Law Of The Measuring Cup

I still remember going from earning $1,700 per month from home to over $7,240 and then on to $10,000 plus.

Of course there are several factors that go into something like but one of the big ones, I’ll always remember, is The Law of The Measuring Cup.

Let’s say you want to bake a cake (an income cake) and the recipe calls for 2 cups of sugar.

You’ve got the sugar container to the left of you and the mixing bowl to the right.

You need to move that 2 cups of sugar from the container to the bowl.

The choice is this:  Do you use a teaspoon to scoop the sugar in or a big glass (2 cups or more) size measuring cup?

If you want the job done fast, you use the bigger cup right?

Tea-spooning  little bits of sugar over and over to get to your 2 cup goal would take a lot longer.

It’s the same principle when it comes to building a home based income.

In my first company we built a team of over 600 active customers & distributors and that produced an income of $1,200 a month.

You could say I was earning teaspoons of income ($2 per customer).

I didn’t even know this was a problem because it was the norm in the network marketing profession.

But then, back in 2010 or so, I joined a company with a very unique compensation plan that, had a profit sharing feature.

This made it so that for each customer I earned not $2 but upwards of $60.

And that’s how, with a much smaller team I was able to earn a much bigger income from home.

The law of the measuring cup.

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