Good Marketing

Seth Godin wrote in his blog post today that entrepreneurship is about,

‘Solving problems in a way you can be proud of.’

It helped me to remember some key insights.

First a key question,

  • Which problems, specifically are you attempting to solve with your product or service?

There are lots of problems in the world and it’s tempting to try to solve all of them.

This may not be the best strategy.

Effective marketing is about having a message to market match.

Your market has problems, you have solutions – when you speak to those problems and communicate your solutions effectively you have a match and you’ve hit the bulls eye.

The more clear you become on exactly which problems you’re solving that your market knows, they need solved, the faster sales will come.

  1. Who are you serving?
  2. What are they struggling with?
  3. How can you help them overcome what they’re struggling with?
  4. H0w can you do it in a way you can be proud of?

That’s good marketing.

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