A Measly Dollar

One day, a while back I was driving home from town.

I turned onto my road, about 3 miles from my home,

I’d just passed the local elementary school and off to the right I see these kids next to a table,

—–> selling lemonade.

I drive past them, and as I do, the Golden Rule pops into my mind.

I thought, “If I was a little kid,

…and I was showing initiative and leadership…

…and I went out and set up a lemonade stand, how would I would I want people to respond to me?”

Obviously I’d want em’ to stop and buy my stuff right?

So I flip a u-turn and pull over.

The kids start jumping up in the air-

Waving their hands to the sky…

Excited out of their minds.

I get out of my car and ask,

“What are you guys selling?”

‘Well, we got these Gronola bars and this lemonade for sale’.

“How much are your Gronola bars?” I ask.

“10 cents each” they reply.

Well that’s a pretty good deal.

How much is your lemonade?

“15 cents a cup.”

“I’ll take 2 gronala bars and one glass of lemonade”

They proceed to gather up the goods and give em’ to me.

I pay with a dollar and they begin to round up my change..

“Listen, you can keep the change” I tell them.

I notice them smiling BIG as I get in my car.

I’m driving away and I look back & see them giving each other high fives.

They were so pumped up that they’d just made a sale

I continue to drive down my road, and now I’m smiling big inside.

I’m telling you, I was the one who got paid that day.

…and I got WAY more than a dollars worth of value.

The feeling in my heart,

…the feeling in my soul,

the smiles on those kids faces…


All for a measly dollar.

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