13 Tips For Your First 100 Home Business Leads With Facebook Ads

In today’s post I have some great news and some very cool tips on how you can use Facebook advertising to generate more leads for your home-based business. The bad news is I’m not up to hundred leads a day, yet. The good news is that I AM over 100 total. 125 to be exact! In this post I want to share with you 13 tips for your first hundred leads on Facebook ppc.

5 Little Known Points That Might Change The Way You Think About The 3 Way Call

I’d been working my tail off all day long from early that morning. I’d decided to call it a day to go out and spend some quality time with my family. I sat down on the recliner with one of my kids cuddled up next to me under a blanket. The movie started playing, all was well. Then suddenly something happened, that ruined everything. (click here to see what happened)

Tears, A Miracle, A Mortgage & A Message Of Faith

I cried like a baby The day I paid off my mortgage. This was the day I’d been anticipating and looking forward to in my mind for YEARS. It wasn’t until about 90 days earlier however, that I’d begun to visualize this specific day every day morning and night, for three months straight. It’s actually a pretty crazy story.

Beginner Guide To Facebook Advertising For Home Business Owners

I’ve just gone from total beginner with facebook advertising – to generating 10 leads per day. In this post, I share with you the top 8 tips I wish I would have had when I first got started doing facebook advertising. If you’re wanting to generate more leads for your home business using facebook, maybe these tips can make your life a little easier. 🙂