Top Of Mind Awareness T.O.M.A Long content, short content. Great content, average content. What can beat them all? Consistent content. The power of the drip. The power of staying in front of your audience. Day by day. Email by email. Post by post. Small but powerful, like a drop of water boring a crevice into …

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Marketing Spam

The same message, plastered everywhere. Parrot syndrome. Everyone repeating the same thing, over and over again in the marketplace. It creates a phenomena called ‘ad blindness’, which means people begin to become blind to the message because they’ve seen it before so many times. The solution? Be different, be unique, be yourself. Find your own …

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Bad Logic

Yesterday I saw person A endeavoring to refute statements put forth by person B by insulting person B, rather than addressing the substance of what person B had asserted. And many fell for it. It happens all the time. Bad logic.   If a liar tells the truth, the truth does not become a lie. In the case …

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