$742,636.81 paid To Affiliates And…

In this month’s monthly marketing Roundup I share some GREAT News!

Like how we recently paid out nearly $800,000 to the field. 🙂

I love it! (just the beginning btw)

In addition to that and a few other fun little stats, I also share

  • a few $5,000 lessons on protecting yourself and your business from the FTC
  • where my last 5 enrollments came from
  • 3 of my favorite marketing tools

AND something pretty cool that recently happened in my marketing. read more

The Sales Multiplier

In this episode, discover the one thing that will prevent the lost of 98% of the sales you'll ever make in your Online Marketing Business. Also discover the Perfect Six Step Formula to dramatically increasing the amount of sales you make on the front end. Hope you enjoy!