The Hype Hangover

Stephen Covey said in his book the seven habits of highly effective people, “you can’t pick up one end of the stick without picking up the other.”

Getting drunk on hype may be fun and exciting while the parties raging,

But when the brain beer wears off, it’s possible to find the other end of the stick beating you in the head. read more

Defining Authenticity in Home Business

Authenticity‘ is a buzzword we all seem to throw around as an ideal to aspire to, but what the heck is it?

Voltaire said, “If you wish to converse with me, define your terms.”

Some say ‘authenticity is to just be what you are, period.’

The problem with this definition is that it doesn’t take into account anyone but yourself. read more

Getting Your Leads to Pay You Before They Join (& 2 Winks From The Universe)

This last Saturday night I was having a bit of entrepreneurial depression.  You know the type where you begin to have small little doubts (disguised as questions) creep into your mind.

  • Am I doing the right things?
  • Am I in the right business?
  • Am I in the right profession?
  • Am I fulfilling my purpose in life?
  • Am I making a positive impact/difference in anyone’s life?

My home business blues even creeped into my Saturday morning mastermind with good friend and fellow freedom Crusader, Rob Skinner. read more