
Arrogance: Conceit, self-importance, egotism. Arrogance cares more about being right than what is right. Arrogance gets more joy out of being seen, reading the book, driving the car or helping the person than actually reading the book, driving the car or helping the person. Arrogance is pointing to goodness and not being able to fully appreciate …

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Compensation For Kids

Emerson writes, in compensation, that the fruit is sown in the seed.  ‘The Dice of God are always loaded.’ Eternal justice is perfect and while time may separate the blessing or the cursing from the act, as surely as night follows day, a just compensation always comes. If this is true then it’s entirely possible to …

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Bad Dope

Dope, or dopamine, seems to be a type of chemical messenger that runs between the cells in our brains with pom poms shouting “YAY, Let’s celebrate, this is AWESOME!” When this happens we get a little shot of pleasure, causing us to want to do the thing we just did, again. My friend Todd told me about …

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The Little Hero

Last night our family watched a short video that my kid’s thought was hilarious.   After the laughs my wife told our family a story. When Kayden (our oldest) was 6 or 7 years old, a girl at school had an accident. She didn’t quite make it to the bathroom and the other kid’s were …

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The royal Egyptian library of Alexandria is said to have been one of the largest libraries of the ancient world containing anywhere from 40,000 to 400,000 ancient scrolls compiled from 300 BC to 30 BC. A gathering place and repository for all the ancient knowledge of humanity up to that point. When ships would come into the harbor, …

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The Lost Essence of Success

I remember having sushi with a great entrepreneur friend of mine who’d just sold his business and put a couple million in the bank. He was sharing dreams of his next big venture, something massive, something that would become a household name. ‘Why’ I questioned sincerely. Because I haven’t done anything truly huge yet, he …

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There’s something irresistibly attractive about the man or woman who just won’t quit. It’s undeniably apparent, and magnetic, to other men and women (stubborn spirits too) cut from the same cloth. In a world where quitters abound, at every glance, the persistent soul shines like a lighthouse in the midst of a dark and stormy …

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Truth is Free

Truth is like a beautiful stallion. You can admire it, be inspired by it and occasionally, be blessed to catch it and ride along with it. But you can never put a fence around it, cage it, bottle it, or keep it from earnest souls in the search. It will forever jump fences, and escape …

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A Better Goal

It’s tempting to want to get to the top and be seen and cheered by the world. It happened for Jim Carrey & you know what he said? Even with the millions of dollars and the millions of fans, he found himself alone, depressed and defeated inside. Maybe a different kind of goal can bring …

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Intolerance is like a painful knot in the chest. It’s tense, stubborn and uncomfortable like a heartburn that just won’t quit. The irony is, the cure for causing it to melt away is with us all along. Relax, release, let it go, let it be. Intolerance is not satisfied with the truth until it’s name …

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Lasting Leadership

John Maxwell said, “Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.” ‘But how to influence?’ asks the sincere and questioning soul. Many tools stand ready for deployment. Authority, manipulation, dollars in a bank account or on an income shot. Indeed yes, forms of influence –  and yet how fickle and fleeting they seem to be. Alexander the …

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