
Ray Dalio, in his new book Principles, said,

‘Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones.’  

In my first few years of home business I cycled through 14 different companies.

That felt crazy.

Since 2012, I’ve stayed committed and loyal to a select few.

That too, at times has felt crazy.

When everyone around you is shouting from the rooftops about the latest and greatest, and you’re holding fast to your compass, others will say,

You’re crazy” and sometimes,

…you’ll wonder if they’re right.

I love these words.

‘Sometime in your life you’ve got to stop running.

You’ve got to say “Now this is a good opportunity and I’m going to take it all the way.

This time, I’m going to stand and fight until I win.’ -Art Williams

Maybe, being an entrepreneur isn’t so much about whether or not you’ll be perceived as crazy,

…but more about which kind of crazy you’ll choose for yourself.  🙂