Good Speling Not Required ;-)

Last night I was chatting with my friend Amy and I shared my Facebook story from that morning with her which had a few completed tasks from my ‘to do’ list.

She, of course, like many normal humans, pointed out that I had spelled gratitude wrong.

To which I calmly replied… ‘no grattide is a new secret part of my morning routine.’ πŸ˜‰

Of course I’m kidding. I sure had spelled it wrong.

I spell stuff wrong all the time, and all the time, people point it out to me. (I’m always thankful for this)

I used to get freaked out and feel like I had to go delete the misspelled content, fix the video or do whatever I could to get this imperfect content off the web.

How could I have something out there on the internet that was so obviously messed up for everyone to see, and therefore see how messed up and ‘imperfect’ I was?

Now a days I just chuckle at things like this and leave them up.

I do my best to always look for ‘hidden benefits‘ in everything that happens in my life and business.

The hidden benefit to misspelling a word online, or messing up in a video is that people can see you’re not a super human.

Super human’s are not relatable and if there’s one thing we really want to do in our marketing, it’s be relatable.

In my first network marketing company I bought the business ‘fast start’ kit which was pretty much a binder filled with training that the company owners had compiled.

I remember combing through that thing and underlining every single misspelled word and messed up grammar mistake I could find.

I couldn’t believe that the company was selling this thing for $200, and sending it out to reps with all these misspelled words and mistakes.

What I learned as I got to know these 2 guys, was that they never claimed to be the best spellers and they weren’t making their money teaching English.

They had both made fortunes in direct sales, and that’s what they were teaching.

I remember thinking to myself, huh… I guess in this business there are more important things to learn than spelling.

My business partner Mike, failed his high school English class.

The gym I go to every morning is owned by a guy named Matt. He’s a former professional body builder, owns multiple businesses here in South East Idaho, invented a really cool fitness product and is an all around great guy.

One morning in the restroom of the gym I noticed a sign on the wall that said,

‘Please do not put allot of toilet paper in the toilet because it will plug it up.’

I chuckled to myself as I yet again realized…

huh… I guess in this business there are more important things to learn than spelling. πŸ™‚

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