How To Succeed With People

Quick little story for you today.

My oldest son Kayden is graduating from high school today and so this last week has been filled with lots of celebration activities..

I went to a school function last night where we watched a music picture slideshow, saw some scholarships awarded and heard from a few speakers.

One of the speakers was Mrs. Hone, the high school counselor.

Suddenly I started to notice golden nuggets of wisdom shoot at me from the stage so I pulled out my phone and started taking notes.

Here’s some of what she said…

If you have a dream, chase it because it won’t chase you back.

Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.

When life isn’t fair, be fair to yourself and rise up in a way that you’ll be proud of.

Anyway, the night ended, I came home and went to bed.

(Kayden stayed out with his friends for the Senior sunset activity)

This morning we got a call from the school officer telling us that we needed to come and see the principle reguarding some senior pranks Kayden was involved in. (story for another day…)

As Kayden and I were standing outside the office, waiting for our turn, the school counselor walked up to talk to us about what she’d heard regarding last night’s shenanigans.

I said “I really enjoyed your speech last night.”

She said “Really, did I even make any sense?”

I said you made a lot of sense, and then I repeated back to her some of the notes I’d taken on her speech.

She beamed with a huge beautiful smile and said “Thank you so much!”

When she walked away, I said to Kayden “How do you think that made her feel?”

He said “good.”

I said “Yeah, I bet that made her feel really good.”

“Kayden, that’s how you succeed with people. You notice things about them and do what you can to make them feel important.”

Simple little thing, but so often undone, by so many of us.

Anyway, I was thankful to have been able to learn from this awesome lady who you could tell is really doing her best to make a difference for the kids.

Thankful for the chance to let her know and maybe added a little bright spot to her day.

And thankful to have had the opportunity to give my son an example of how to lift others up…

Maybe it’ll make a difference for him as he leaves high school and ventures out into the real world.

Thanks for reading Paul, and I hope you make it an awesome and amazing day!

Paul Hutchings

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