
One great thing we’ve been doing together as a family is having a short lesson each night and discussion before bed.

Last night we read a small thought from Luke which said,

“A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.”

A recent story came to mind of a local man named Leo, who was surprised with a secret santa cash gift.

My 4 boys were all familiar with this man as he works in a burger place we go often as a family.

We talked about how flipping burgers is typically not a high paying job, therefore Leo probably was not ‘rich‘ man.

Or was he?

In the news story it was revealed that Leo once found out a student was being denied an attendance award at school because she was home watching her sick baby brother.

Leo took her to the store that day and bought her the bike she would have won had she not missed that day of school.


A little known man, flipping burgers, probably earning a low wage, taking money from his own pocket to buy a kid a bike?


It’s possible to be materially poor and spiritually rich.

It’s possible to be materially rich and spiritually poor.

And of course, it’s also possible to be materially rich and spiritually rich.

It’s just so easy to forget the first 2 scenarios.

I’m grateful for the reminders.