Is Elon Wrong?

Elon Musk, could very well be one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs on the planet. There was a period a few months ago where I did a fairly deep dive, learning as much as I could about his companies and philosophy. He became my new hero. That being said, I watched an interview of him …

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2 Billionaires Said

“Begin with the end in mind” wrote Stephen Covey in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Would it surprise you to know that 2 billionaires became billionaires by not following that advice? Both Bill Gates and Elon Musk said in this interview that when they started their companies, they had no idea …

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When I finished up the books for 2017 and saw that our little company had sold $177, 990 in products and paid out $152,248 in commissions for the year, my first thought was “Wow, I know some people who earn in a month what our little company earned in a year.” Sigh. Then I thought about …

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Sheep Walking

Yesterday when I picked my kid’s up from school, there was a line of cars that must have been half a mile long. I pulled up to the rear and said to myself, “hmmmmmm”, …at which point I pulled out and proceeded to drive around them all and moseyed all the way up to the very front of …

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