I Saved A Life Today…
I just get out of the shower earlier today and I hear my wife yell..
“Honey Come quick!”
Because of the incredible urgency I could sense in her voice, I ran t
I just get out of the shower earlier today and I hear my wife yell..
“Honey Come quick!”
Because of the incredible urgency I could sense in her voice, I ran t
How To Work Less And Make More Money Now
Once upon a time a reporter, in an interview, asked a very wealthy man.
Reporter: “Sir, how did you get so wealthy?”
Have you ever felt like you just wanted to punch someone’s lights out? Believe it or not, I had that feeling (for a small moment) yesterday. I was standing in the driveway of my Karate instructors house with my 2 middle boys, Camden and Kyson. All of a sudden…
This morning, I taught my 2 oldest boys, a half a million dollar lesson.
We were on the way to school when my sons started asking me..
“Dad, do you have a