Finding Meaning

I just finished Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl and am deeply inspired, yet again by this book’s powerful message. It’s as if Victor Frankl traveled to the inner depths of the soul through some of life’s darkest tragedies and brought us back spiritual diamonds & rays of light we can use to shine …

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Why Would God Allow It?

I was listening to a podcast the other day where an Agnostic/Atheist Bible scholar was being interviewed. When asked about why he ultimately lost his faith in a higher power, he said… “I just can’t reconcile the fact that there is so much suffering in the world with the idea of a higher power.” This …

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The Meaning of Life

Oftentimes  when someone says to me, ‘do you have any questions?’, I’ll jokingly respond with ‘yes, what is the meaning of life?’ Maybe the inner urge that bubbles this question up is not so uncommon. I read this morning in Man’s search for Meaning that ‘a survey of 7,948 students at forty-eight colleges, was conducted …

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Life’s Question

I once wrote that ‘Life is the question, love is the answer.’ Victor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning wrote, ‘…it did not really matter what we expected of life, but rather what life expected from us.  We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those …

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