The 3 Legged Profit Stool

If you’re in Marketing and don’t know about the 3 legged profit stool,

…you might want to read this post all the way through.

Most people get in business or advertise their business because they need to make a sale.

According to the millionaire maker himself, Dan Kennedy, this is the WORST reason to jump in the marketplace ring.

The best reason to advertise, according to Dan, is when you’ve got something interesting to say.

If you haven’t learned about the 3 legged profit stool,

…or pipeline money pumping formula ‘M Cubed‘, as I like to call it, this could be a new concept.

That’s OK.

Stay with me & prepare to be richly rewarded.

The 3 legged profit school consists of the 3 big M’s of marketing.

M #1 – Message

M #2 – Market

M #3 – Medium

Even thought the first M is message, this is NOT where you wanna start.

Before you do any marketing, you wanna identify ‘who‘ you’re gonna be speaking your message to.

The reason this is SOOO important is because, when it comes to selling, the customer is King (or queen).

You may have something you want to say, & something you think is important, but here’s a big fat newsflash for all of us marketers.

Our prospects don’t care what we have to say, unless they already care about what we’re saying.

Rule #1 in marketing, is find out what your prospects care about.

Then, you have a chance of constructing a message worthy of sending out.

The easiest way to understand a market of people, is to be or have been one of them.

I’ve been building Pipeline Money (AKA – Residual income) from home for 9 years.

The biggest chunk of that time was in traditional network marketing or Multi Level Marketing.

This is one target market I’m pretty familiar with.

If you’re just getting started in the marketing game, it makes sense to choose a market that you’re already familiar with and/or passionate about .

Now we get to M #1 – Message

What do you have to say to your target market that will interest them?

Remember, Dan Kennedy, says the best reason to advertise is because you’ve got something interesting to say.

(not, because you need a commission).

Here’s an example of what I could say to traditional network marketers that might be of interest to them.

Aren’t you sick and tired of hounding your prospects to the point where they literally lock the doors and turn off the lights every time you come around?

Do you really enjoy, going to those weekly meetings & hearing the SAME ol’ presentation of product, people & comp plan —->  Again, and again and again, with the other 5 people who are already in?

Aren’t you so excited about calling your list one more time, and asking for yet, another appointment, or referral?

Does it pump you up to no end, to sponsor one more person into your business, see your residual check go up by another 3 dollars,

….& then, in an effort to turn that $3 into 9 – —>  proceed to each your new recruit how to trick their friends and family into a surprise presentation?

Now, I don’t know about you, but I’ve done all of that and it got to the point I just couldn’t take it any more.

Imagine if there were a way, that you could sponsor 3 new team members into your down line – from the comfort of your own home, by sending out a few simple emails?

What if I was to tell you that’s exactly what happened in my business the last few days?

A few emails – a few blog posts & 3 new team members.    (Welcome aboard Phil, Chip & Adam)  🙂

Now, I have a feeling this is a GOOOOOOOD message for my target market and the reason I know is because the more I type, the bigger my smile gets.

To think, there’s actually a way to be FREE and financially secure without all that social suicide & emotional brain-damage.

Hallelujah!  That’s what I”m talking about.

Anyway, you get the picture, right?

Know who your market is – and have a message that’s worth of being preached from the housetops.

Odds are, they’ll come a runnin’ with credit card in hand.

M #3 – Medium

Once you know your market and you’ve got your message, the next step is to decide how you’re going to communicate to them.

The options are many.

TV, Radio, Voice broadcast, Direct Mail, Facebook PPC, Solo Ads.  Etc.

Of all the various mediums I’ve used, the one that’s worked the best over time is blogging.

I like it because it’s like killing a flock of birds with one stone.

When you decide to reach your market through blogging daily, a few things can happen simultaneously.

1)  You can get Free, residual search engine traffic, leads & sales.

2)  You can build relationships En masse with your subscribers & team —->  allowing them to know, like & trust you over time – as you continue to email them your posts.

3)  You can follow up with, & continue roping people back to your sales message,

…again and again and again in a way that’s cool, not spammy & adds value to your prospects lives, all at the same time.

Pretty cool right?

So there ya have it.

The 3 Legged Profit Stool –

  • Message,
  • Market &
  • Medium

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