The Essence of Santa

It’s 5:18 AM on Christmas morning.  3 of our 4 boys were up a 1:30 AM then again at 4:30.

Luckily, for my lovely wife Corene, (AKA sleeping beauty) they’re watching some Scooby Doo in an effort to give her a few more moments of Christmas snooze.  🙂

Someone came to visit us yesterday and told us “Santa has no part of our Christmas.”

Cool.  I can respect that.

I told the man that “In our house, we’re super excited for Santa to come tonight.”

Sure, you can’t measure Santa with a scale or prove his existence in a lab.

Many of the most important things life, can’t be sorted out in a test tube.

It’s extremely difficult if not outright impossible for science to quantify love, belief or hope.

Does that mean we should teach our kid’s to stop loving, believing & hoping?

Have you ever read a fictional story in a book or watched a movie that was purely the creation of someone’s imagination,

… and learned something great, got inspired or shed a tear because the story touched on some deep and meaningful aspect of your humanity?

A story doesn’t have to be factually true or historically accurate to teach a great life lesson, touch the heart or move the soul.

It doesn’t have to be factually true to convey the essence of truth.

One of the greatest scientists our world has ever known, Einstein, said,

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

For me, I choose option 2.

Santa helps me do that.

Merry Christmas!