The Most Valuable Skill For Success

This one thing will determine your success almost more than any other skill or ability…

This morning was my last set on the last cycle of my bench press program.

230 pounds, 10 sets of three.

I’ve been gearing up to this and thinking about it… So far, all of my sets have been completed with success.

The moment of truth arrived today.

The weight felt heavy right off the rack, and sure enough, in the third rep of my fourth set, I completely and totally failed…. The weight dropped on my spotter arms, and I wiggled myself out from underneath.

A fork in the road of thought appeared.

To the left is the path of frustration, self degredation and disappointment.

The path to the right, is the way of the reframe.

How can I interpret my failure in a way that serves me?

– The fact that I failed, means that at least I’m trying, and that’s more than some are doing.

– The fact that I failed means I’m pushing myself to my limits, and that means I’m on the path of progress.

– Dropping the weight a bit, and finishing out the rest of my sets, means I can work on my form and speed, which should make me stronger and help prepare me for my new max attempt next week.

– This particular failure, can be just another little test on the road of life, checking my resolve, and giving me another opportunity to prove myself, In the face of temporary setback.

Thankfully I chose the right path today and as a result, am feeling empowered, happy, proud of myself and excited for the future.

We can all do this.

The way we interpret the various events of our lives and businesses, along with the meaning we assign to these events, plays a huge role in our ability to continue moving forward in the most powerful way….

And this is 100% within our control.

It seems that people who quit, either don’t know how to do this or just don’t do it very well.

Those who create success, are masters of the reframe.

In my experience there’s *always* a way to look at a situation and see something about it, that it helps you to stay positive and keep moving forward.

The more you do this, the better you’ll get at it.

And since many things in business don’t tend to workout exactly the way we hope or expect them to, this one skill can be one of the most important things we learn to do.

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