“To the pain!” 
I’d recruited my uncle Mark into this fuel additive business.
It was a network marketing company that was marketing what I thought at the time to be a dream product.
…A magical potion that increased MPG, prolonged engine life and reduced emissions.
I mean, if ever there were a product that would sell itself..
…this had to be it.
So my uncle got a couple people he knew from his local Elks’ lodge to come over to his real estate office (he’s a broker), to listen to me give a 50 minute presentation on how all 4 of us were gonna get wealthy showing people how to save money on gas.
So there I was, for 50 minutes… explaining study after study, fact after fact on the product.
Then I got into the comp plan… OHHHHH… the comp plan.. yes… I remember the slide specifically.
…If you get 2 who get 2, who then get 2… 12 levels down – you’ll be making $40,000 a month, 1 year from now.
Honestly… who in their right mind could resist that?
Fast forward 50 minutes…
…my uncle and I sitting next to each other..
the victims…(umm.. I mean prospects)
…sitting straight across from us…
And I get to “The Close”.
The company master distributor gave me one that was SURE to work.
So, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being ready to join and 1 being “let me out of here“, where would you say you’re at?
With a slight pause to look at each other and then back at me & my uncle… they responded…
“About a 0 or 1“.
That’s what I call —-> “To the Pain”.
Fast forward a few years to hundreds & hundreds of personal enrollments, big check after big check after big check… & I gotta ask… what’s the difference?
If you’re gonna have success from home.. you MUST develop the ability to influence others to buy in.
Here are 3 Top Keys To More magical Marketing Influence
1) Inspire people.
Last night I was watching a movie with my wife & 4 kids. It was called the Tooth Fairy with “The Rock”.
Long story short… The Rock is a dream stealer who gets sentenced to work as the tooth fairy to pay for his heinous dream-stealing crimes.
There’s a point in the movie where he changes, & finally gets the lesson he’s supposed to get.
He’s standing in front of the head tooth fairy and he says, “I get it, dreams are good… for everybody.”
That line hit me because it inspired me. I felt warm & fuzzy inside & I probably would have bought something had the Rock been selling.
Your prospects will buy from you too, when you inspire them.
2) Tell The Right Kind Of Stories
Stories are magical. Period.
Especially, when you tell the right kind.
One of the best kind of stories you can tell what I like to call the “Epic Underdog Story“.
This is the story of the guy or gal who, on the surface, should lose and lose big.
But they don’t.
They don’t look right, they don’t talk right, sometimes they might not even smell right…
… but despite all the seemingly insurmountable odds, they fight on, fight through, and WIN!
People are mesmerized by those types of stories, and they’re everywhere.
Here are a few examples…
David Wood – Homeless, living in a van, gets ticketed by the cops for being homeless in his van and loses his last few bucks…goes on to build a $200K plus monthly income.
David Sharpe – Former drug addict, homeless, used to drive around an old 80′s truck that he needed a screwdriver in the ignition to start… goes on to build a company that pays out over $18 million in commissions in 12 months.
Tony Rush – Former city worker, bookstore manager – goes on to build a $50K + monthly income from home.
Rudy Ruettiger – Short, scrawny kid with a dream of playing for Notre Dame. Everyone tells him “not a chance”.
He believes, takes action & despite the odds & goes on to not only make the team, but make a triumphant tackle in a nationally televised game.
Paul Hutchings – Father left when he was 8 years old. Raised by a single mom in a double wide trailer house. Worked 2 jobs (daytime at the car wash & nighttime washing dishes at a Chinese restaurant)
Started his home business while unemployed living in a 1984 single wide trailer house. Failed for 6 years straight in 14 different companies. Finally breaks through and builds a 6 figure plus residual income while living in a trailer house.
Here’s an example from the music industry…
Marshall Bruce Mathers AKA “Eminem” -Abandoned by his father when he was 18 months old. Repeated 9th grade twice due to truancy & failing grades…
“As a child, Mathers developed in an interest in storytelling“ ~Wikipedia
Goes on to become… “One of the best-selling artists in the world and is the best selling artist of the 2000s. He has been listed and ranked as one of the greatest artists of all time by many magazines, including Rolling Stone magazine which ranked him 82nd on its list of The 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.” ~Wikipedia
****Worthy to note that his songs are full of these exact stories we’re talking about.
Can you see how powerful these underdog stories can be?
[Last Tip] Use “Power Words” & Use Them Often
If you listen to world class communicators like Tony Robbins or other great leaders inside the home business profession, you’ll notice that they use words like “Decision” & “Take Action” over and over & OVER again.
Their speech, marketing, audios, videos are saturated with these power words.
Nothing happens in life without decisions and action.
As you focus on using these words more and more in your marketing, you’ll find that your prospects will realize this and have a desire to make a decision, take action and get started with you. 🙂
Bottom line, if you want to have more influence in your business, you need to become a master of inspiration, story telling & POWER words.
Your thoughts?