Use The Tool, Don’t Be The Tool

A friend of mine shared a YouTube video with me a few days that contained a secret of how to better manage your social media profile to make Facebook work for you instead of the other way around.

(I’ll post the video down below in case you want to see it)

Here was the secret.

An expert said something like  “When you post a profile pic update, Facebook controls which of your friends see it and therefore, can drip the pic out to your friends over an extended period of time so that the new likes and comments keep you coming back over and over again.”

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense they would do it that way.

If they showed your post to everyone right off the bat – you could come to the site – engage and be done with it.

But if they drip feed your post – they keep you coming back – over and over again.

So how can you use this to your advantage as a Home Business Entrepreneur?

Follow the advice I’ve been giving for a while now.

Post less, engage more.

How does posting less help you?

If you post less, Facebook feels like they need to bring you back to the site by showing your existing content to more of your friends.

If you’re posting every day – they know they’ve got you so there is no need to help you by showing your content to more of your friends.

‘Use the tool, don’t be the tool’  🙂

PS – Here’s that video in case you want to take a peek.




2 thoughts on “Use The Tool, Don’t Be The Tool”

  1. As a Facebook marketer, you should know what your audience wants and post accordingly. There are several ways to drive traffic, yet should know your audience as well. So yes, use your tools wisely. I have several that I work to help multiple clients as well. Great reminders Paul, thanks!


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