Sheep Walking

Yesterday when I picked my kid’s up from school, there was a line of cars that must have been half a mile long.

I pulled up to the rear and said to myself, “hmmmmmm”,

…at which point I pulled out and proceeded to drive around them all and moseyed all the way up to the very front of the school where there was an open parking space that wasn’t being used.

In that seemingly insignificant moment, I had broken free from the tendency to follow the invisible rules that everyone else was  following.

Who made these rules anyway and which one’s must I follow?

According to this insightful blog post, one of the reasons Elon Musk is so massively successful is the fact that he chooses to be a chef, instead of a cook.

A cook follows recipes, a chef makes new one’s, from scratch.

In our book of the month for January, Tribes, by Seth Godin, he coins the term Sheep-walking.

Sheepwalking – doing, thinking and saying what everyone else is doing, thinking and saying, for no other reason than the fact that everyone else is doing, saying and thinking those things.

Leaders make a ruckus, they go their own way, they choose to dance rather than sheep walk.